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Detalhes do Filme em Wizard Locadora Audio Video Informatica


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Michael Jackson History - Cod. 2034
imagem 01. Bad - The 18 minute version of the short film never-before-seen
02. Billie Jean - From Thriller, the biggest selling album of all time, this short film exposed music video as a true art form
03. black or white - The controversial Panther version of this short film launched the Dangerous album as a true media event. Here in is entirety!
04. Rock With You - Never before commercially released! This is the first single from Michael´s first solo album Off The Wall!
05. Thriller - This monstrous masterpiece is the ultimate music movic. 14 minutes of horrific fun by director john landis
06. Remember the time - This magical Egyptian fantasy, directed by John Singleton (Higher Learning, Boyz N The Hood) features the King of Pop with friends Eddie Murphy, Iman and Magic Johnson!
07. The Way You Make Me Feel - The rarely seen 9:30 long version of this unforgettable short film
Produtora: Epic
Gênero: Musical
Ano: 0
Título Original:
Lançamento: 00/00/0000
Censura: Livre

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